Year 3

1. Our national constitution will be approved and direct democracy and decentralization of economic and political power will be legalized and institutionalized.
2. First free and democratic election of local and regional government will be held.
3. We will star mass housing and other infrastructure building.
4. Additional 400,000 jobs will be created.
5. 95% of our refugees who are in Middle East and Africa countries will be return home because there will be much better freedom, dignity, living standard, opportunity and safety in our country than Middle East and Africa countries.

Picture Credit: DW

6. Our country will enter World Trade Organization and will sign free trade agreement with Israel.
7. Every mother will get 400 days and father 31 days maternity leave with 100% payment of its salary.
8. 100% of our children will have free aces to preschool from the age of two.
9. 100% of our children will have free aces to high standard elementary and secondary school.